Prodromal Labor


AKA: False labor - and I'm going to tell you right now, there is nothing false about it!

Sometimes labor starts off slow - so slow that it isn’t really officially called “labor” yet. It’s not something that many folks are expecting when it comes to the end of pregnancy. You plan to go into labor, and have a baby. But it can be confusing when that labor doesn’t seem to be all that convincing. This is called “prodromal labor” and can last for a day or two up to a week or two.

I've been having contractions, but only at night.

I'm feeling very mild contractions, but they're not getting stronger or longer.

I'm having contractions for a little while, then they go away.

It’s been a week of stop-start! I’m exhausted.

It can be super frustrating, tiring and draining of both mental and physical energy. All this discomfort and lack of sleep, and for what?!

It's certainly not for nothing.

Your body is working, preparing, and opening. Your baby is getting into a good position. Your body is working hard.

Simply remembering this is half the battle to managing prodromal labor. The knowledge that you are so close to your baby, your body is making it happen, and that it's working so that your labor is smoother - this is the most important thing to keep close in your mind if you find yourself experiencing prodromal labor.

To be specific - what is it?

◇ Contractions that occur in the hours, days or weeks before the birth

◇ Contractions are more painful than Braxton Hicks, but you are able to cope with them

◇ Contractions do not progress into a pattern, do not get stronger or longer or closer together

◇ Contractions can be sporadic, or can be regular (every 5-10 mins) and then fade away

Another way to answer that question - prodromal labor is a mind game.

So, what can you do to get through it?

◇ Rest as much as you can. If you can sleep through the contractions, try to do so. If you can't, try finding a comfortable position to read or watch some Netflix.

◇ If you don't want to rest, try distraction. I highly recommend that my clients have an idea of an "early labour project" - something to occupy themselves in the early stages of labour. Now is a great time to use one of them.

◇ Water. A long hot shower, a soak in the bath, a swim, and especially a drink! Hydration can settle the contractions if it’s too early to be going into labor. Water makes everything better.

◇ Stick to your normal day as much as possible. It’s easy to become so preoccupied with the sensations that everything else gets forgotten - eating, showering, going out for your morning coffee, whatever you’d normally be doing. Try to maintain your regular schedule as much as you can - especially with meals.

How can you encourage prodromal labor to become the real thing?

It is perfectly normal to think “enough is enough” and want to do something to get the process moving along. Physical and mental exhaustion is real, and if you’re worried you’re not going to have the energy for labor, it makes sense to be thinking about how to get things going. People use all kinds of tricks to help labor along, but the ones I see that work best if and when your body and baby are ready are Spinning Babies’ body balancing exercises, acupressure (have your doula do this), rest, sex, and the Miles Circuit. Don’t overdo it with the spicy food (that will come back to bite you) or overly exerting yourself - maintaining your energy is important. If you find yourself considering induction or having it suggested to you, have a really good talk with your care provider (doctor, OB, or midwife) and be fully aware of how inductions work.

Perhaps most importantly:

Keep your head in the game. You've likely done a lot of mental preparation for your birth, readying yourself to meet the challenge of labor. It is REALLY easy for this to all slip away during prodromal labor. Tiredness, frustration, confusion - just being at the end of your pregnancy! - all these emotions can break the carefully built calm and confidence in your head. Don't let it. You've got this. Remember: this is the prologue to your birth story.

Gorgeous photo (the waiting, the hoping!) by Erin Heuser Photographer.


Positive Pregnancy, Positive Birth


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